Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good, but smart?

Started the day with some scratch oatmeal/apple/cinnamon pancakes thanks to Julie. So tasty and so much to stick the ribs. That and some fresh perced coffee and the day started just right. Time with the youngster this morning. I am still in awe of how quickly he changes. Not the drastic changes that I say when he was less than a year. Now the changes are things like new words and phrases just "appearing" and seeing the cognitive thought process starting. Life is amazing.

Took Rocky-cross out for a spin today. Thought I'd get some base work in outside rather than in the basement. Just set out and didn't really have a plan. Before I knew it, I was out near DoubleB's homestead. I had, earlier, reached down out of habit and realized that I truly wasn't on my road bike... no cages. I was now well past an hour in and had no fluids to replenish what I was burning. It may have been only twenty-six degrees, but I had worked up a powerful thirst. I made a few turns and I was in a friendly subdivision. Pulled up to the door, knocked, no one home. Dang, had been hoping for a big glass of H2O. Called Ben just to be sure that he wasn't in the basement too into his arcade games to hear the doorbell. Turns out I missed he, Jess and Quinn by about ten minutes. Oh well. Back on the saddle, clipped and turned toward home. Came into the driveway with 1:45 logged today. Felt good except for some early inclines. But I think that may have been due to no real warm-up. But then again, I'm not sure I feel good on any inclines. I'm trying to address that with a two-pronged approach. Hope it works.

Weekend is nearly over. Presentation to senior staff looming tomorrow. Hope to sneak a day off this week. I'll need to look at the forecast. The outside time was good for the soul today.

Happy Sunday all y'all.

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